Archive | May, 2021

Three years later..!

27 May

Here it is May of 2021 already. I pretty much lost the last year or so due to this mask culture. But they’re beginning to disappear now so we can get back to normal living once again.

I didn’t sell the house. Daughter Angela and husband Majid offered to loan me money for living expenses based on the equity in the house. I have enough equity left to last another three years, or so. Not sure what to do at that point, but something will show up. At that point in time I’ll be 84 – maybe – if I hang around for a while. I changed my diet two years ago to the whole food plant-based lifestyle, so perhaps I still have a few years left.

I’m currently in Ellicott City, Maryland with Angela and family. I’ll be here for another month and then back to Escondido to continue on. Been doing a lot of woodworking lately – my favorite hobby.

It’s been just over four years since Sylvia died so I’m beginning to get used to the single life. The boys are in San Diego and come up to visit now and then and I have a good friend to meet with every week for some interesting conversation. I’ve had a personal trainer since the fall of ’17 and he’s keeping me in good shape. Very important at this age – to be physically fit.

Pauline and family are planning to move from London to Charlotte, NC this summer. So, I’ll be able to visit with them now and then. That’s about it for now – I’ll try not to wait three years before the next post..!