what’s next…?

18 Jun

Yesterday was the 17th and it was on May 17th that I paid a visit to the Del Mar Lifeguard station. They hooked me up to a machine and said “you’re having a heart attack”… then off to La Jolla Memorial Trauma center to see Dr. Harrington. So, now it’s a month later and I’m almost done with the customary four to six-week recovery process. I’ve changed my eating habits and have lost some weight. I’m just getting started with the exercise program. I’ll continue with bike riding and walking at the beach. Plus some work with weights and the rope work.

I spent some time in the dentist office yesterday — http://www.ltsmiles.com

Got a very thorough cleaning and Dr. McDonald told me that I have some significant problems, so I’ll have to find some money somewhere to get these problems fixed (or maybe go to Mexico).  Yes, I seem to be fighting health problems on several fronts these days. But, I guess that’s normal for most people in their 70s. I had a physical the other day and, other than this artery problem, my general health is quite good — I was happy with the report.  But, I’m kind of depressed over this dental thing — some major work needs to be done.

Anyhow… what’s next?  Steve and I are working on this sign business. He’s building a new website and we’re getting ready to do some marketing.  I’m working on the jazz piano instruction business. I have several videos done, both my albums converted to MP3s and a copyist writing my exercises out for me — they’ll be available as pdf’s on the new site.  And, I’m about half done with a new book entitled “55 Tips for the Jazz Piano Player.”  That will be an ebook available on the site plus I’ll get hard copies printed for promotional activities.


Sylvia’s leaving for Turkey in the morning. First stop will be in Maryland and then the travellers will leave from New York on Friday night. It’s a ten-day trip to KalKan, a popular resort on the southern coast.


Holiday destination: Kalkan, Turkey

Holiday destination: Kalkan, Turkey


She’s very excited about going because, among other things, she would like to see where the Apostle Paul was born and some of the famous Biblical cities related to Paul’s travels.

Then while she’s gone Steve and I are going to be working on some projects around the house. The first one will be to put some vinyl flooring in the back bedroom using a product I’ve never seen before – http://www.homedepot.com/p/TrafficMaster-6-in-x-36-in-Country-Pine-Resilient-Vinyl-Plank-Flooring-24-sq-ft-case-33114/100594661#.UcFQLPm1Hvc

It’s easy to install and will give that room a much-needed visual lift.

Pauline and Nicole will be here on July 17th, so we are getting things cleaned up and organized for her. I have a tendency to let things slide a little, so when Pauline is coming, I’m motivated to get projects done that have been sitting around waiting for some attention. I only oil squeaky wheels and that’s not a good way to approach maintenance.  Oh well… at least I’m still here… that’s something.

All for now…




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